Trip wrap: the plane, train, and automobile tour (and a few other modes as well!)

25 05 2010

Those eight days were fun. Tiring, but fun. I timed my return, so that, had I been working, I’d have another two days in a long weekend to decompress before I get back to the real world. Even though I’m not working, I still allowed this decompression period before starting my reflection process for this trip.

I didn’t really explain why I chose the destinations I selected for this trip. The first half was in San Francisco. I vaguely recall visiting the city as a child, and I think the crooked block of Lombard Street was the only lasting memory. I felt it was about time I came back and gave myself a proper introduction.

I also decided to include Ashland, Oregon, in my trip. The Shakespeare festival was the big draw, and I did indeed go to two plays while I was there. How I planned to connect them was a roadtrip through the northern California coast, and then I return home, mostly via train.

In the posts that follow over the next few days, I will give you my thoughts and some accompanying pictures of what was a memorable trip.